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Задание: We’re here to announce the launch: A project aimed to inspire, motivate, and pass on knowledge in the community, by sharing amazing stories collected right here in our community. WHAT THIS IS? We’ll repost short stories sent to us by the the community. These might be inspirational, motivational, funny, heart-warming, or anything else: basically, stories that are worth sharing to other people. HOW LONG SHOULD EACH STORY BE? WHAT SHOULD THEY BE ABOUT? Stories should be between 300 and 400 words. We won’t count any story that goes over the word count. They can be about anything as long as you think it’s worth sharing to people – as long as someone else might get something out of them. Here are some sample prompts: If you could go back in time, what would you tell your younger self? What’s the most difficult obstacle you’ve faced and how did you overcome it? What personal experiences have you had in the NFT space that you’ve been wanting to share? The prompts above are just ideas; don’t limit yourselves to them. And we’d like to emphasize that we are looking for GENUINE STORIES based on your lived experiences. HOW WILL WE CHOOSE THE STORIES? The team will personally read through all the submissions and choose the stories that are the most impactful, inspirational, moving, or unique. Этот конкурс из сферы NFT. Простыми словами NFT - это разные виды творчества обёрнутые в блокчейн технологию. Например это искусство будь-то цифровые картины; коллекционирование, например карточки спортивных мероприятий, цифровые коллекции картин, рисунков, ... ; компьютерные игры сделанные с применением данной технологии. Ну и многое другое, что можно назвать творчеством и оцифровать. https://vc.ru/crypto/214497-chto-takoe-nft

3 года назад
3 года в сервисе
3 года назад