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Для юридического факультета требуется выполнения задания : запись макс 5 минут с вопросами о некоторых делах( подробности в документах, которыя я вышлю на почту заиртересованному фрелансеру)

The video should be a maximum of 5 minutes. It should be an MP4 file. Please send it to me using google drive.

For this homework you will create a video. In the video you will present 5 direct examination and 5 cross-examination questions for one of the parties in one case seen

in Section 2 and the case in Section 3. Please note that you need to do this exercise

twice. One for one of the cases in Section 2 and the other for the case in Section 3. You

can choose which case you want to work on in Section 2.

At the beginning of each case, indicate the party who you are examining. Note you can represent the plaintiff or the defendant. I encourage you to choose both, in one case the

plaintiff and the other case the defendant. State five direct-examination questions

followed by the answers that the witness will give. Then repeat this exercise with five

cross-examination questions for the same witness and the answers. For

cross-examination you will have to imagine you are the lawyer for the other party. Then

repeat for the case in Section 3. In total you will do 20 questions.

4 года назад
32 года
4 года в сервисе
4 года назад

Заявки фрилансеров

22 года
5 лет в сервисе
3 года назад
4 года назад