• Give answers to the following questions in the Passive Voice, using the information in brackets.

    1. Has anybody described Joe Hill's life? (a lot of books, novels, plays, poetry, songs and articles; write). 2. Who wrote the ballad about Joe Hill? (Alfred Hayes). 3. Who composed the music that made the ballad so popular? (Earl Robinson). 4. How did they mark Joe Hill's hundredth birthday anniversary in Sweden? (organize a museum in the house where Joe Hill was born in Evle; stage the play by Barrie Stavis "The Man Who Never Died"). 5. Is the museum popular? (visit; 10,000 people every year). 6. How did the Swedes receive the play by Barrie Stavis? (very warmly; stage in Stockholm afterwards). 7. Do they sing Joe Hill's songs nowadays? (Peter Seeger and many other singers of protest songs).

    2. Ask questions indicated in brackets, use the Passive Voice.

    1. They have changed the time-table to make the working hours more rational. (Why?) 2. They hold meetings twice a month (How often?) 3. They had built the road before they started building houses in this area. (Why?) 4. They will hold a local photo show in our club in May. (When?) 5. They are building a viaduct to ease the traffic here. (Why?) 6. They will finish the construction of the Pioneer Palace by the new school year. (When?) 7. All those interested in the subject attend these lectures. (By whom?) 8. The students were discussing the second question on the agenda when the dean joined the meeting. (Which question?)

    3. Open the brackets, using the correct form of the verb in brackets.

    Jesse felt ready to cry. He (sit) long in the office waiting for Tom Brackett, his brother-in-law. For two weeks he (walk) from Kansas City, Missouri, to Tulsa, Oklahoma, thinking of the moment when Tom Brackett who (work) here as a dispatcher since he (lose) his shop (say): "Why, of course, Jesse, you can start whenever you (be) ready."

    And then Tom (enter) the office. He (соте) in quickly with some papers in his hands; he (look) at Jesse, but he (not know) him. Was it his clothes? Or was it that Jesse (change) so much? True, they (not see) each other for five years.

    "Yes?" Brackett (say) suddenly. "What you (want)?"

    "I (be) Jesse Fulton. Yes, I (be); and Ella (send) you her love."

    Brackett (rise) and (walk) over to the counter until they (be) face to face. Tom Brackett (look) at his brother-in-law for a long time before he (say) at last:

    "Yes, I (believe) you are, but you sure (change)."

    He never (see) anyone who (look) more unhappy. His sister (write) to him every week but she (not tell) him things were as bad as that.

    After Jesse (answer) a few questions about Ella and the children he (think) it (be) time to start.

    "Tom," Jesse said. "I (come) here to ask you for help."

    "I can't (give) much. I only (get) thirty-five a week."

    "I know," Jesse (reply) excitedly. He (expect) this. "But I (meet) a man who (work) for you. He (be) in our city. He (drive) trucks for you. He said you always (need) men and you (can) give me a job. As soon as I (hear) it I (start) out. For two weeks I (walk) on to get here and see you."

    "You (mean) you (walk) from Kansas City for two weeks to get a job here?"

    "The man (tell) me drivers (pay) a dollar a mile. And I (need) the dollar badly. I just can't live like that any longer. It's long since I (give) Ella and the kids enough food to eat or any clothes to wear ... ."

    (From "The Happiest Man on Earth" by A. Maltz)

    4. Test translation.

    1. В нашей стране все граждане имеют право на образование.

    2. Сколько экзаменов вам предстоит сдавать в этом семестре?

    — Что касается меня, то всего лишь два. Я уже сдал остальные.

    3. Я огорчен, что мне не удастся принять участие в подготовке вечера.

    4. Я отстал по некоторым предметам, и сейчас мне надо много заниматься, чтобы догнать группу.

    5. Сначала ему было очень трудно привыкнуть к новой работе, но со временем она ему понравилась.

    6. Нам пришлось несколько раз напомнить ему о его обещании.

    7. Ему очень повезло, что его спросили первым. У него не было времени волноваться.

    8. Посмотрите,

  • пожалуйста, это слово в словаре. Я не совсем уверен в его точном значении.
  • 9. Как только я закончу дипломную работу, я смогу разрешить себе несколько дней отдыха.

    10. Мы все разочаровались в нем. Мы не думали, что он так легко относится к жизни.

    5. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs.

    1. We expect to hear — him — the end — the month when the ship has reached Kamchatka. 2. Have you heard — the latest discovery made — the physics laboratory? 3. Why take his words seriously? I am sure he said it all — fun. 4. If you are not sure — the spelling, look the word — — the dictionary. 5. I am — — him, I've had enough of his empty promises. 6. The trouble—that fellow is that he is interested — many things but good — nothing. 7. I don't advise you to mention the news — her, it will be all — the place — once. 8. Why remind him — something he is trying so hard to forget? 9. They hadn't been warned — the change and missed the first report. 10. He had missed a lot of lectures — the beginning — term and was working hard now to catch — — the rest—the group. 11. Ann didn't stay — the end but rose to go long before the picture was —. She just couldn't stand it any more: — her right sat a man who had been smoking all the time, — her left was a woman who had slept — the greater part — the film. 12. I am not sure I'll ever get used — his strange ways, but working-— him is a pleasure. 13. We'll be looking you — one of these days. 14. She didn't see how greatly disappointed we were — her work. 15. It's impossible to keep all these facts — the head, I must make some notes. 16. As — Grace, her parents didn't want her to take part — their long trip because that would mean missing a semester — college and be — the other students when she returned. 17. — first I called him Mr Blake, but very soon he said: "Leave — the 'Mister', just call me plain Blake." 18. As — the price he mentioned, no good businessman could make such an offer.

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