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1.Conduct the appropriate test for the H0: "The mean/median of Data_1 of the group "a" and the mean/median of Data_1 of the rest do not differ. (Turn the group b&c to the "rest". SM: Statistically meaningful. Mean or median depends on the test method. -p(SW) of (a, rest)= ?, ? (Data_1) -p(Levene's)=? (Data_1- "a" and the rest in "N1") -Test method? Select the appropriate expression from a,b,c or d and CPF. a) t(?)=? , p=? Mean of Data_1(?) is SM higher than mean of Data_1(?) b) t(?)=? , p=? Means of Data_1(?) and Data_1(?) do not SM differ. c) statistic=?, p=? Median of Data_1(?) is SM higher than mean of Data_1(?) d) statistic=?, p=? Medians of Data_1(?) and Data_1(?) do not SM differ. 2.Conduct the appropriate test for the H0: "The mean/median of Data_1 of the groups "x","y" and, "z" do not differ. SM: Statistically meaningful. Mean or median depends on the test method. -p of SW (x,y,z)= ?, ?, ? (Data_1, N2) -p(Levene's)=? -Appropriate test method -Select the appropriate A) F(?,?)=?, p=?, 1W ANOVA (?? with Welch correction ??) shows that the means of Data_1 of the x,y and z groups do not SM differ. B) F(?,?)=?, p=?, 1W ANOVA (?? with Welch correction ??) shows that the means of Data_1 of the x,y and z groups SM differ. C) H(?)=?, p=? KWT shows that the medians of Data_1 of the x,y and z groups do not SM differ. d) H(?)=? , p=?, KWT shows that the medians of Data_1 of the x,y and z groups SM differ. 3.Data_1,2 & 3 are repeated measure data. Please analyze with the appropriate test method the null hyp of their means/medians do not differ. -p of SW (Data_1,2,3)= ?, ?, ? -Select the correct one. Data meets the sphericity assumption (Mauchly's) Data do not meet the sphericity assumption. -Select the appropriate and CPF. A) F(?,?)=?, p=? RM ANOVA shows that the means of Data_1, 2 and, 3 do not SM differ. B) F(?,?)=?, p=? RM ANOVA shows that the means of Data_1, 2 and, 3 SM differ. C) X^2(?)=? , p=?, Friedman test shows that the medians of Data_1, 2 and 3  do not SM differ.

d) X^2(?)=? , p=?, Friedman test shows that the medians of Data_1, 2 and 3  SM differ.

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