Найдите исполнителя для вашего проекта прямо сейчас!
Разместите заказ на фриланс-бирже и предложения поступят уже через несколько минут.

Your personalized financial tracker.

The file allows you to enter current income and expenses, including a breakdown by income category and by expense category.

You can:

- add a new transaction

- correct previously entered transactions

- delete transactions

- delete all transactions

- add new income and expense categories

- see analytics for the current month and for the year

The Complete Guide - https://youtu.be/LNyG-iIPsvs

You must provide the ability to run macros for this Excel workbook !

If you want to purchase this tracker you can follow the link to my Etsy digital store - 🟧 digitalAppsPVV 🟧 ➡️ https://www.etsy.com/listing/16223636...