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● Collaborated with design teams to craft clean interfaces and intuitive interactions, enhancing user experiences across multiple projects. Ensured seamless communication between design and development teams, resulting in visually appealing and user-friendly applications.

● Spearheaded the update of a 3D game by implementing a Node backend, significantly improving performance, reducing memory usage, and ensuring memory safety. This initiative contributed to a more robust and e client gaming experience.

● Increased revenue by $100K through the optimization of the search engine for an eCommerce application using Express. Implemented strategies that improved search engine rankings, resulting in increased visibility, and ultimately, revenue.

● Designed and implemented robust relational databases using SQL and MongoDB, aligning them with project requirements.

● Led the development of a Human Management System as the lead frontend developer, utilizing React and Redux. Successfully translated Figma designs into 70+ meticulously crafted components, ensuring a cohesive and visually impressive system. Implemented Test-Driven Development(TDD) practices to guarantee the system’s reliability and functionality.